{ "Account.AddLogo": "Add logo", "Account.Certificates": "Certificates", "Account.Logout": "Log out", "AddressBook.Contact.Type.All": "All", "AddressBook.Contact.Type.Private": "Private", "AddressBook.Contact.Type.Shared": "Shared", "AddressBook.Error.Header": "Error loading address book", "AddressBook.Modal.Button.Add": "Add", "AddressBook.Modal.Title": "Add from contacts", "AddressBook.NoGeneralContacts.AddContactsText": "Add a contact to speed up the creation and sending of documents.", "AddressBook.NoGeneralContacts.Title": "You have no contacts created", "AddressBook.NoSpecifiedContacts.NoPrivateContacts": "No private contacts found", "AddressBook.NoSpecifiedContacts.NoSearchResults": "No contacts found", "AddressBook.NoSpecifiedContacts.NoSharedContacts": "No shared contacts found", "AddressBook.Search.Placeholder": "First name, surname or e-mail", "AnyQesAdvert.Labs.Tooltip": "Functionality available free of charge. Test it and share your opinion.", "AnyQesAdvert.QualifiedSignature.Title": "Brand new! Sign with any qualified signature!", "AnyQesAdvert.SignatureVisualisation.Title": "Brand new! By choosing this option, you enable the document to be signed with any qualified signature.", "AnyQesAdvert.Subtitle": "Test for free until June 30, 2024.", "AnyQesAdvert.SubtitleExtended": "Test for free until August 31, 2024.", "BannerBar.AnyQesBanner.Button": "See how", "BannerBar.AnyQesBanner.Info.Link": "check out", "BannerBar.AnyQesBanner.Info.Text": "list of supported signatures", "BannerBar.AnyQesBanner.Subtitle": "Send a document for signature without worrying about what qualified signature the recipients have. Test for free until 30.06.2024.", "BannerBar.AnyQesBanner.SubtitleExtended": "Send a document for signature without worrying about what qualified signature the recipients have. Test for free until 31.08.2024.", "BannerBar.AnyQesBanner.Title": "New! Sign with any* qualified signature!", "BannerBar.DocumentLimitBanner.Text": "The monthly limit for sending documents has been used up.", "BannerBar.Files.Mixed.Warning": "A document may contain a single file with a signature or multiple files without signatures.", "BannerBar.FilesMixedWarning.Info": "The document can consist of one or multiple unsigned documents or only one signed file. Make sure your actions align with the selected option.", "BannerBar.NewCreator.ButtonText": "Save new version", "BannerBar.NewCreator.LinkText": "Switch to the old view", "BannerBar.NewCreator.Text": "You are using the new view for document posting", "BannerBar.NewCreator.Tooltip": "Use a clear view and new functions that will make the document sending process even more intuitive and tailored to your needs.", "Create.Send": "Send", "Create.Send.SendDocumentLimitReachedTooltip": "Sending limit has been used up", "Create.Send.SendDocumentRestrictionTooltip": "To send document {link}", "Create.Send.Snackbar.MixedFiles": "The document contains files with a signature and files without a signature.", "Create.Send.Snackbar.MixedFiles.Warning": "A document may contain one file with a signature or several files without signatures.", "Create.Send.Snackbar.Recipients.Warning": "If an Approver or a Reviewer is added, there must be at least one Signer in the process.", "Create.Send.UpgradeLink": "improve your plan", "Create.Sign.Note": "You will go to the list of documents.", "DocumentBar.Input.Label": "Document name", "DocumentBar.Input.Placeholder": "Enter document name", "DocumentBar.Leave": "Exit", "Draft.Saved": "Draft saved.", "File.Error.ConversionError": "Conversion error", "File.Error.Encrypted": "Password protected file", "File.Error.Excel.Size.Exceeded": "The maximum file size is 2MB", "File.Error.Excel.TooManySheets": "The file contains more than 1 sheet", "File.Error.FilesSize.LimitExceeded": "The allowed documents' size is exceeded, max 20 MB", "File.Error.Has.Signatures": "The file contains signatures", "File.Error.Signature.Certification.Error": "The file contains a signature with level 1 certification, which prevents adding further signatures", "File.Error.Signature.CertificationError": "The file contains a signature card (or a signature with a level 1 certificate), which makes it impossible to add further signatures", "File.Error.Size.Exceeded": "File size too large", "File.Error.Upload": "Error loading the file", "File.Error.WrongExtension": "Incorrect file format", "File.Removed": "File removed.", "File.With.Signatures": "Signed file", "Files.Drawer.Header": "Added files", "Files.Error.Header": "Error loading the file list :(", "Files.Error.Subheader": "Try again and refresh the file list.", "Files.Mixed.Warning": "The document contains files with a signature and files without a signature. You can add 1 file with signature or multiple files without signatures", "Files.NoPreview": "The file in this format cannot be previewed.", "FileUploader.AllowedFiles": "You can upload files in .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ods, .odt, .xls, .xlsx formats with a total size of up to 20 MB.", "FileUploader.AllowedXlsFiles": "Individual .xls and .xlsx files can have a maximum size of up to 2 MB.", "FileUploader.FromDisk.Button.Fab.Label": "From Drive", "FileUploader.GoogleDrive.Button.Fab.Label": "Google Drive", "FileUploader.GoogleDrive.Button.Label": "Add from Google Drive", "FileUploader.Header": "Added files", "FileUploader.MobileText": "Add files from your device.", "FileUploader.OneDrive.Button.Fab.Label": "One Drive", "FileUploader.OneDrive.Button.Label": "Add from One Drive", "FileUploader.Subtext": "You can upload files in the following format: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ods, .odt, .xls, .xlsx up to 20 MB.", "FileUploader.Subtext.Xlsx": "The maximum size of one source file in XLS or XLSX format is 2 MB.", "FileUploader.Text": "Drag and drop files from your computer or add from disk.", "Form.Invalid.Submit.Field.Files": "Files - {error}", "Form.Invalid.Submit.Field.Message": "Message field - {error}", "Form.Invalid.Submit.Field.Title": "Title field - {error}", "Global.AddFiles": "Add files", "Global.AdditionalSecurity": "Additional security", "Global.AdditionalSecurity.AttachmentAccessAuthorization": "Securing a ZIP file with an SMS code", "Global.AdditionalSecurity.DocumentAccessAuthorization": "Securing access to the document with an SMS code", "Global.AdditionalSecurity.SignAuthorization": "Recipient authorization via SMS code", "Global.AddRecipient": "Add recipient", "Global.Back": "Return", "Global.Backward": "Back", "Global.Cancel": "Cancel", "Global.ChangesSaved": "Changes saved.", "Global.CompanyName": "Company name", "Global.Delete": "Delete", "Global.Document": "Document", "Global.Edit": "Edit", "Global.EditRecipient": "Edit recipient", "Global.Email.Placeholder": "Enter e-mail", "Global.EmailAddress": "E-mail address", "Global.Error": "Upss... Something went wrong, please try again", "Global.Error.Unknown": "Unknown error", "Global.FileAdded": "File added.", "Global.FilesAdded": "Files added.", "Global.FirstName": "First name", "Global.FirstName.Placeholder": "Enter first name", "Global.FormOfSignature": "Form of signature", "Global.FormOfSignatureTooltip": "Choose in which form the signature will be visible on the document.", "Global.From.MicrosoftTeams": "From Microsoft Teams", "Global.Go.To.Dashboard": "Go to the main panel", "Global.Go.To.Docs": "Go to my documents", "Global.IdentificationDocumentNumber": "ID number", "Global.IdentificationNumber": "Personal ID no. Pesel", "Global.JobTitle": "Position in the company", "Global.JobTitle.Placeholder": "Enter position", "Global.Language.Hungarian": "Hungarian", "Global.Language.Romanian": "Romanian", "Global.LeaveReview": "Leave a review", "Global.MoveToDocs": "Move to documents", "Global.Name.Placeholder": "Enter name", "Global.Next": "Continue", "Global.NextStep": "next", "Global.Number.Placeholder": "Enter number", "Global.Optional": "(optional)", "Global.PhoneNumber": "Mobile phone number", "Global.Receivers": "Receivers", "Global.Refresh": "Refresh", "Global.Role.Approve": "Approver", "Global.Role.Sign": "Signer", "Global.Role.View": "Viewer", "Global.SaveChanges": "Save the changes", "Global.SaveDraft": "Save draft", "Global.Search": "Search", "Global.SearchCountry.NoResults.Description": "Check that the data entered is correct.", "Global.SearchCountry.NoResults.Title": "There is no such country code", "Global.SearchCountry.Placeholder": "Search for country", "Global.SearchPrefix.NoResults.Description": "Check if the entered data is correct. You can search by country code or prefix.", "Global.SearchPrefix.NoResults.Title": "There is no such prefix", "Global.Settings": "Settings", "Global.SignatureForm.BoxNotification": "By selecting the 'signature visualisation' option, each recipient of the document must sign the document with a qualified signature or Autenti e-signature.", "Global.SignatureType.Advanced": "Advanced Autenti e-signature", "Global.SignatureType.Autenti": "Autenti E-signature", "Global.SignatureType.Qualified": "Qualified signature", "Global.Surname": "Surname", "Global.Surname.Placeholder": "Enter name", "Global.TaxIdentification": "Tax ID NIP", "Global.TaxIdentification.Placeholder": "Enter Tax ID NIP", "Global.Upgrade": "Upgrade", "Global.UpgradePlan": "Upgrade plan", "Guide.AnyQes.Ready": "Well done!", "Guide.Qes.Settings.Description": "Go to document settings to select the appropriate signature form.", "Guide.Qes.Settings.Title": "Select settings", "Guide.Qes.Visualization.Description": "To ensure that recipients of your document can use any qualified signature, it is necessary to select the \"Signature Visualisation\" option.", "Guide.Qes.Visualization.Title": "Select \"Signature Visualization\"", "MSAddressBook.Modal.Title": "Add from Microsoft Teams contacts", "NoTagsModal.AddTagButton": "Assign a label", "NoTagsModal.SendModalButton": "Send without assignment", "NoTagsModal.Subtitle": "The document has not been assigned to any label. This means that the document will only be visible to the recipients and the sender. Send without assignment", "NoTagsModal.Title": "No label assigned", "Order.Switch.Tooltip": "Determining the order is possible when more than 1 recipient participates in the process as a signer and is required for recipients approving the document.", "Page403.Header": "Access denied", "Page403.Subheader": "There is a problem accessing this page. If you think you should have access to this website, please contact our customer service:", "Page404.Header": "Sorry, we couldn't find the page you were looking for.", "Page404.Subheader": "It is possible that the website address you entered does not exist. Visit the {faq} page or contact our Customer Service Office:", "Preferences.Modal.Conflict.CreateNewDocument": "Create a new document", "Preferences.Modal.Conflict.MoveToDocs": "Go to documents", "Preferences.Modal.Conflict.Subtitle": "The selected document does not meet the new requirements for issuing documents in your organisation. Create a new document.", "Preferences.Modal.Conflict.Title": "Super administrator has changed settings in your organization.", "Preferences.Modal.NoPermissions.BackToDocs": "Return to documents", "Preferences.Modal.NoPermissions.Subtitle": "Your current company and plan settings do not allow you to assign documents. Please contact your super administrator.", "Preferences.Modal.NoPermissions.Title": "You do not have authorisation", "QualifiedSignature.ATrustAdvert.Subtitle": "Right now, recipients of your documents can sign them with an A-Trust qualified signature or several hundred others from across the EU!", "QualifiedSignature.ATrustAdvert.Title": "Sign documents with A-Trust via Autenti!", "Receivers.Search.Placeholder": "Search for recipient", "Receivers.VisualizationForm": "By choosing the \"signature visualization\" option, each recipient of the document must sign it with a qualified signature.", "Recipient.Added": "Added recipient.", "Recipient.Detail.Job.Title": "Job title", "Recipient.Form.AdditionalSecurity.AccessAuth.Tooltip": "The option is inactive because the ability to select it has been blocked by your company's super administrator.", "Recipient.Form.AdditionalSecurity.AdvancedSignature.Warning": "In the case of advanced Autenti e-signature, providing a telephone number is obligatory.", "Recipient.Form.AdditionalSecurity.Tooltip": "Choose additional security for the document and protect confidential data against unauthorised access.", "Recipient.Form.AddToAddressBook": "Add recipient to contacts", "Recipient.Form.Basic.Data": "Basic information", "Recipient.Form.EditSharedContact.Warning": "If you add a shared contact, you cannot edit the recipient's details. If you want to send a document with different data, you can add a new recipient.", "Recipient.Form.Email.CurrentUserEmailTooltip": "You cannot edit your e-mail address", "Recipient.Form.Email.Description": "We will send the document to the recipient to this e-mail address. Make sure it is correct.", "Recipient.Form.Natural.User": "Private person", "Recipient.Form.NewOrganization": "New company", "Recipient.Form.Organization.Data": "Company's data", "Recipient.Form.Organization.FetchRegonData": "Download data from REGON", "Recipient.Form.Organization.NIP": "NIP:", "Recipient.Form.Organization.User": "Company representative", "Recipient.Form.PaymentObliged": "The document is a contract concluded with the consumer, based on which s/he will be obliged to pay (for entrepreneurs)", "Recipient.Form.Recipient.Data": "Recipient's details", "Recipient.Form.RecipientRole": "Recipient’s role", "Recipient.Form.RecipientRole.Tooltip": "Indicate what action the recipient of your document should take - whether they should sign it, approve it, comment on it or have access to it.", "Recipient.Form.ReviewRole": "Reviewer", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType": "Type of signature", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.AdditionalIdentificationData": "Additional data for identification {optional}", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.AdditionalIdentificationData.Optional": "(optional)", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.AdditionalIdentificationData.Title": "Restriction of signature {optional}", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.AdditionalIdentificationData.Tooltip": "If necessary, enter additional data that will be verified during the identification process.", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.AdditionalIdentificationData.TooltipText": "Enter the data of the signer, whose compliance will be required in the verification process.", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.Availability": "Availability", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.Channel": "BROKER ID channel", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.ContactUs": "Contact us", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.Data": "Data", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.DataNotification": "The signer's details must match those entered below.", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.Expiration": "Validity", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.IdentificationChannel": "Selected identification channel", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.IdentificationChannel.Title": "Select identification variant", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.IdentificationChannel.Title.Tooltip": "If the signer does not have an advanced signature, identification will be launched at the expense of the sender. The signature will be available for the period indicated by the sender, calculated from the moment the identification is executed.", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.IdentificationName": "Name", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Advanced.OneTime": "One-off", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.MoreInfo": "More about signatures", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Qualified.AnyQesInfo": "Send the document by choosing Signature Visualization in the settings and allow the document to be signed with any qualified signature!", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Qualified.Content": "To sign a document, make sure that the recipient has a qualified signature. The recipient can buy it on our website. {qualifiedSignatures}", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Qualified.Link": "Qualified signatures", "Recipient.Form.SignatureType.Tooltip": "Indicate what type of e-signature the recipient should use to sign your document.", "Recipient.List.Aria.Extend.Receiver": "More information about the recipient", "Recipient.List.Aria.Remove.Receiver": "Delete recipient", "Recipient.Removed": "Deleted recipient.", "Recipient.Role.Review": "Reviewer", "RecipientList.Approver.Warning": "If you add an approver, determining the order of the signers is mandatory. Remember that the approver cannot be the last in the order.", "RecipientList.Error": "If an Approver or a Reviewer is added, there must be at least one Signer in the process.", "RecipientModal.Subtitle": "The recipient cannot change the following data.", "RecipientModal.Title.Add": "Add new recipient", "Recipients.Add.Option.AddressBook": "From contacts", "Recipients.Add.Option.New": "New recipient", "Recipients.Added": "Added recipients.", "Recipients.NoResults": "No recipients found", "Recipients.Send.As.Organization": "Send the document as an organization", "Recipients.Send.As.Organization.Desc": "By sending a document as a company, you do not participate in the signing process, and your data is not visible to the recipients of the document. However, you can still view the sent document, withdraw it and send reminders to the recipients.", "Recipients.Sign.Order": "Signing order", "RecipientsList.Divider.Label": "Recipients out of order in which the document was signed", "RecipientsOrder.Snackbar.Approver.Last.Warning": "The approver cannot be the last in the order.", "RegonData.Error": "Failed to download data from the REGON database. Fill in the data manually.", "RemoveRecipient.Modal.Info": "This will result in the given recipient not being a participant in the process.", "RemoveRecipient.Modal.Title": "Delete recipient", "SessionExpiry.Button.Label": "Extend session", "SessionExpiry.Description": "You will be logged out due to inactivity. Extend session.", "SessionExpiry.Title": "Your session is about to expire", "Settings.Document.Details": "Document details", "Settings.Document.Language": "Operating language", "Settings.Document.Language.Description": "In the selected language version, the following options will be available: signature card, or signature visualization (depending on the chosen option), and a statement necessary to sign the document.", "Settings.Document.Message.SegmentetControl.New": "New", "Settings.Document.Message.SegmentetControl.Template": "From template", "Settings.Document.Message.Template.Label": "Message template", "Settings.Document.Message.Template.Placeholder": "Select template", "Settings.Document.Message.Templates.Empty.Text": "Create your first message template - go to the 'settings' tab, select 'personalisation' and then message templates and use it when sending the document.", "Settings.Document.Message.Templates.Empty.Title": "You don't have any message templates", "Settings.Document.Message.Templates.Error.Text": "An error occurred while loading the template list.", "Settings.Document.Message.Templates.Error.Title": "An unknown error has occurred.", "Settings.Document.Message.TextEditor.Placeholder": "Enter message", "Settings.Document.Message.Title": "Message", "Settings.Document.Message.UpgradePlan.Content": "And send them to recipients when sending documents.", "Settings.Document.Message.UpgradePlan.Title": "Create message templates", "Settings.Document.MessageToRecipients.Title": "Message to recipients", "Settings.Document.SignatureForm": "The signature visualisation can only be placed when all signers in the process have a qualified signature selected.", "Settings.Document.SignatureForm.SignatureVisualization": "Signature visualisation", "Settings.Document.SignatureForm.SignatureVisualization.Explanation": "It appears as a visualization placed on the last page. The recipient of the document will adjust its position by dragging it to the desired location,", "Settings.Document.SignatureForm.SigningCard": "Signing card", "Settings.Document.SignatureForm.SigningCard.Explanation": "It appears in a visual form as the last page, integrally linked to the set of files being signed.", "Settings.Document.SignatureForm.Text": "By choosing the \"signature visualization\" option, each recipient of the document must sign it with a qualified signature.", "Settings.Document.SignatureForm.Tooltip": "Select the form the signature will be visible on the document.", "Settings.Document.SignatureForm.Visualization.Explanation": "The recipient of the document will apply a signature visualization and adjust its position by dragging it to a chosen place on the document.", "Settings.Document.Tags": "Labels", "Settings.Document.TagsPlaceholder": "Select label", "Settings.Language.Description": "In the selected language version, the following will be available: e-mails, a signing card and a statement necessary to sign the document.", "SignatureCard.Disabled": "Option not available for files containing signatures.", "SignedFile.Disclaimer.Description": "Once a document already contains a signature, you cannot add more files to that document. The recipients of your document will be able to place a visualisation of their e-signature on the document, using a qualified signature from a supplier integrated with Autenti.", "SignedFile.Disclaimer.FindOutMore": "Get to know more", "SignedFile.Disclaimer.Header": "The added file contains signatures. You cannot add more files. Signing card will not be included.", "SignedFile.DisclaimerBar.Description": "If the document has already been signed, you can send it to recipients who will sign it with a qualified signature, applying its visualization at a later stage of the process.", "SignedFile.DisclaimerBar.Header": "The file you attached already has signatures, which means that adding additional files is not possible. The signature card option will not be available.", "SignedFile.DisclaimerBar.Text": "If the document has already been signed, you can send it to the recipients, who will sign it with a qualified signature or Autenti e-signature, applying its visualization at a later stage of the process.", "SignVisualization.Modal.Content.SignedFiles.Text": "The added file contains signatures. Files can be signed with a qualified signature or an Autenti e-signature. For all recipients with an advanced Autenti e-signature, a qualified signature has been automatically set.", "SignVisualization.Modal.Content.VisualizationForm.Text": "In the case of the signature visualization option, files can be signed with a qualified signature or an Autenti e-signature. For all recipients with an advanced Autenti e-signature, a qualified signature is automatically set.", "SignVisualizationModal.Button": "I understand", "SignVisualizationModal.Content.Text": "The attached file contains signatures. Files can only be signed with a qualified signature, which has been automatically set for all recipients.", "SignVisualizationModal.Content.VisualizationForm.Text": "In the case of the signature visualization option, files can only be signed with a qualified signature, which has been automatically set for all recipients.", "SignVisualizationModal.Text": "For the signature visualisation option, the required signature type is Qualified Signature, which has been automatically set for all recipients.", "SignVisualizationModal.Title": "Signature type changed", "TopNav.Support": "Help Centre", "Unknown.Error": "Refresh the page", "UnknownError.Subheader": "An unexpected error has occurred. Please try to reload the page in a few minutes or contact our Customer Service if the problem persists:", "UnsupportedBrowser.Header": "Unfortunately, we do not support the browser you are using...", "UnsupportedBrowser.Subheader": "To use our application without any problems, please use one of the following browsers", "ValidationError.Contact.DuplicatedEmail": "Select one contact with email address: {email}", "ValidationError.Contact.Min": "Select at least one record", "ValidationError.ContainsUrl": "The field cannot contain a URL", "ValidationError.EmailAlreadyExist": "The user already exists in the list.", "ValidationError.FileRequired": "Loading a file is required.", "ValidationError.InvalidDescriptionLength": "The number of allowed characters has been exceeded.", "ValidationError.InvalidEmail": "Incorrect email format. Please enter a valid email address.", "ValidationError.InvalidFieldLength": "The field should contain no more than {numberOfChars} characters.", "ValidationError.InvalidIdentificationDocumentNumber": "The ID number is invalid.", "ValidationError.InvalidIdentificationNumber": "PESEL ID no. is incorrect.", "ValidationError.InvalidNIP": "NIP ID no. is incorrect.", "ValidationError.InvalidPhoneNumber": "The mobile phone number is incorrect.", "ValidationError.Only.Not.Advanced.When.Sign.Visualization": "For the signature visualisation option, the recipient must sign the document with a qualified signature or Autenti e-signature.", "ValidationError.Only.Qualified.When.Sign.Visualization": "In the case of signature visualisation, the type of signature submitted by the recipient must be a qualified signature.", "ValidationError.Required": "This field is required.", "ValidationError.UnauthorizedAccessEmailDomain": "The current preference settings make it impossible to send the document to the recipient at that e-mail domain." }